Master Gardener Monday
Master Gardener Monday
Zoom program with Randy Forst, UADA consumer horticulture/Master Gardener coordinator. Open to Master Gardeners and County Agents. Register to attend.
This calendar includes listings for WCMG events, programs, and Saturday Crew workdays; various local opportunities to earn volunteer hours outside of WCMG’s regularly scheduled sanctioned project work; and close-to-home Arkansas Master Gardener events and education programs.
To make sure you keep up with ALL the statewide MG and UADA gardening-related events, sign up to receive eNews from the Extension Service headquarters in Little Rock.
Zoom program with Randy Forst, UADA consumer horticulture/Master Gardener coordinator. Open to Master Gardeners and County Agents. Register to attend.
State Extension Office 2301 S. University Avenue Little Rock County 76 is the state advisory group for the Arkansas Master Gardener program. Meetings are held in Little Rock and are open to any active Master Gardener. Email Liz Hale for more information.
Zoom program with Randy Forst, UADA consumer horticulture/Master Gardener coordinator. Email Randy for the Zoom link.
Washington County Extension Office 2536 N. McConnell Avenue, Fayetteville