This calendar includes listings for WCMG events, programs, and Saturday Crew workdays; various local opportunities to earn volunteer hours outside of WCMG’s regularly scheduled sanctioned project work; and close-to-home Arkansas Master Gardener events and education programs.
To make sure you keep up with ALL the statewide MG and UADA gardening-related events, sign up to receive eNews from the Extension Service headquarters in Little Rock.



WCMG Monthly Meeting

Program: Project Fair Thompson Hall, Washington County Fairgrounds

Saturday Crew @Arkansas Air Museum

WHERE: Drake Field, 4290 S. School Avenue, Fayetteville CO-CHAIRS: Luanne Diffin, Peggy Konert Please contact a project chair for more information.

Saturday Crew @West Fork Gardens

WHERE: 198 Main Street, West Fork CO-CHAIRS: Haley Deatherage, Susan Donnangelo, Liz Hale, Aileen Wilson Please contact a project chair for more information.  

WCMG Monthly Meeting

"Vermiculture: Creating Your Own Worm Farm" Dr. Amanda Holder, assistant professor of animal sciences College of the Ozarks Washington County Extension Office 2536 N. McConnell Avenue, Fayetteville